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Urban Benchmarking Action for Sustainable Energy

 However, developing this detailed understanding requires integrating a wide range of data about each building, including its use, construction and geometry. Previous attempts to understand the Indian building stock have focused on archetype-based approaches, which explore the stock through typical buildings. However, these approaches can only provide crude estimates, particularly when the definition of a typical building is based on assumptions and estimates rather than actual data. A wide range of data sets exists for Indian cities, including municipal property tax data, which in the case of Ahmedabad, contains building use, age, taxable floor areas and some details on construction. Integrating this data with the geometrical data for individual buildings would allow each building in the stock to be characterized, data-driven archetypes or typical buildings to be extracted and detailed estimates of building stock performance to be developed.

Supported by:

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Govt. of India, Gujarat Energy Development Agency, U.S. Agency for International Development iNDEXTb (Industrial Extension Bureau) Govt. of Gujarat, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, New Delhi